Back to base: Into the Deep!

The skies are grey. It is pouring hard. She cycles faster in a zigzag manner. The tears blur her path ahead.
But she knows where she is heading. The rain drops drip from her face, tickling her nose, but it does not matter. She frantically pedals on…

She sees the turn, the road get murkier and rocky. There is not another soul or spirit in sight. Relieved she unmounts herself from the bike, lays it gently on the ground and walks ahead towards her place of solace- her shibumi.

The sand feels damp and stubborn. The salty air hits her face. She is already beginning to feeling calm.
Her heart is thumping; she can hear only the sea singing to her. There is a breezy wave of sprinkles from the ongoing rain; she licks it up from her lips. The burden from her bones is gradually slipping away like a guilty shadow retreating into the darkness whence it came from.

With every stride towards the frothy waves, she begins to feel an oneness with the ocean. Expectantly, she trots towards the shore. They greet each other and roll over together, splashing away. The waves whisper into her, “Where have you been?”
She lets out a sigh and replies, “It doesn’t matter! I’m back now.” The waves sway on and beckon her.

She joins them into the deep…

…to be contd.

Pic Courtesy: @neeldex

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